When Should You Replace Your Locks?
As a general rule of thumb, door locks are the first line of defense that can protect your home, family, and prized possessions against perpetrators. However, in order for locks to fulfill their purpose, they must meet two basic conditions: to be high quality and to be in good working order.
Homeowners might have a difficult time knowing when it is time to change a lock, re-key it, or have it fixed. This is why it is recommended to work with a professional residential locksmith who can carefully assess the locks and provide you with the right answers that you are looking for.
There are a plethora of scenarios and problems that might require lock replacement, lock re-keying, or lock repairs as primary solutions. Here is what you need to know.
Not All Lock Issues Are the Same 
From moving to a new home and looking for ways to add more security layers to the property to dealing with a recent break-in attempt or a full-blown home burglary, losing your keys or having them get stuck into the lock, there are many lock-related issues that require different types of solutions.
Usually, locks that have been tampered with or damaged to the point that they cannot be fixed require lock replacement services given the great security risk they pose. At the same time, high-quality locks that are still in good working condition can undergo the lock re-keying treatment provided you fear someone that should not have access to your home might have gotten access to a copy of your keys.
Some people might want to upgrade their security with smart locks which can be connected to the rest of their home automation systems for enhanced convenience. In such a scenario, you may either need to remove the current lock or opt for a model that can be attached to an existing deadbolt. This will allow you to continue using your regular set of keys with the new technology.
The Right Time to Change Your Locks
If you wish to know the answer to the question "When should I change the locks on the front door?', here is what you need to be aware of:
When the Locks Are Worn-out/Damaged Beyond Repair/Get Stuck Frequently
If the current lock on your front door is too old or too worn out to work properly and you cannot remember when was the last time when you had them serviced or replaced, chances are you are dealing with a number of problems. Among them, we can mention keys sticking in the lock and causing further damage to both the locks and the keys, accidental lockout problems, or facing a higher level of vulnerability in front of potential burglary attempts.
An obsolete door model that has been fitted a few decades ago is more likely to have a slightly broken mechanism which could easily impair its capacity to withstand break-in attempts. No matter which of these issues you might be dealing with, it is advisable to get in touch with a professional home locksmith to have your locks changed with a new one for proper security, more peace of mind, and fewer vulnerabilities for your property.
When Your Home Has Been Broken Into or There Has Been a Burglary Attempt
This is another serious reason why you should consider lock replacement solutions. According to statistics, around 40% of break-ins occur via forced entry while 34% of burglars simply twist the doorknob in the front door and walk right in, taking advantage of a door left unlocked intentionally or by accident. Moreover, approximately 23% of residential burglaries occur via first-floor windows. Whether your faulty or low-quality lock on the front door has led to a recent break-in or if the thieves broke into your home using the garage or by climbing in through a window, you should consider changing the front door lock in all these scenarios. This is because the intruders might have stolen a spare key to the house and they could come back while you are away without drawing much attention to them.
When the Locks Do Not Have the ANSI Grade 2 or 1 Rating
A series of factors can affect the level of security offered by a door lock. Among them, the type of locking mechanism used by the lock, the materials that the lock is made of, and the lock’s inherent difficulty of bypassing or picking, along with its resistance to various types of licking and tampering attempts.
The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) has created an important lock grading system recognized all throughout the industry. The system is based on a lock’s level of security and sturdiness against various attack methods. The system uses ANSI Grade 3, ANSI Grade 2, and ANSI Grade 1, with the latter offering the highest security level and Grade 3 being the least secure lock. If your current front door lock is an ANSI Grade 3 lock, we highly recommend you have it replaced with at least a Grade 2 model.
You are renovating and/or you want to take your home security up a notch
In case you are looking to change the style and curb appeal of your home with professional renovators and you plan on also fitting new doors, you, unfortunately, have no guarantee that your new house keys will not be copied by the contractors. If you are moving into a newly built home, you should also consider replacing the door locks before moving in. Most contractors use poor-quality locks to save money or the locks are not installed correctly, adding even more risks to the list. Also, if you plan on strengthening home security, you should opt for lock replacement instead of simple lock re-keying.
Browse our site or give us a call for more expert advice and practical help with any home locksmith-related needs, including lock replacement, lock re-keying, key duplication, and more.